How We Can Help.

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation is housing that enables people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs to live comfortably and receive their daily supports. It can include shared supported accommodation, community residential units, or self-contained homes that are fitted with specialist housing solutions.

It’s important to note that SDA housing is different from Supported Independent Living (SIL), which refers to the support services you receive to help you live independently.

SDA Categories Offered

  • This type of funding provides basic housing that allows specialist support services to be delivered. It is generally given to people who want to remain in their current group home, and doesn’t include special design features such as ceiling hoists and wheelchair access.

  • This SDA type is for people with a sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment. It includes specialist design features such as increased luminance contrast to help people with vision impairment; improved wayfinding to help people navigate their physical space; light-based doorbells and fire alarms; improved lines of sight; and reduced lighting levels and other stimuli.

  • People who have significant physical impairment – for example, wheelchair users – may be eligible for Fully Accessible SDA Housing. Features include no steps at external outdoor areas and doors; wide wheelchair-accessible entryways; appliances and sinks that can be reached from a standing or sitting position; and power supply to door and windows so automation can be retrofitted if needed.

  • Robust specialist disability housing is for people who have complex behaviours and may sometimes be a risk to themselves or others. These homes have adequate space to support the needs of people with complex behaviours; areas of retreat for other residents, carers and staff; impact-resistant materials to protect participants and reduce the need for maintenance and repairs; sound proofing; and laminated glass.

  • High Physical Support homes meet the needs of people with significant physical impairment, or who need a high level of personal support. Along with Fully Accessible Housing specialist design features, they features structural provision for ceiling hoists; assistive technology; emergency power solutions to protect the welfare of residents; and household communication technology.


What We Do.

DASP constructs Specialist Disability Accommodation housing for eligible NDIS participants.


Our SDA Properties.

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation is housing that enables people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs to live comfortably and receive their daily supports. It can include shared supported accommodation, community residential units, or self-contained homes that are fitted with specialist housing solutions.

It’s important to note that SDA housing is different from Supported Independent Living (SIL), which refers to the support services you receive to help you live independently.


  • 49 Queen Street, North Strathfield NSW 2137


Get In Touch With Us.

Contact us today and enquire about how we can help you