Building for the right reasons.

We construct quality SDA Approved Housing that is available to those with NDIS Approved Funding to reside in for improved liveability.


We create essential SDA Approved Properties.

Our SDA Approved Homes are constructed with the best and most accessible features and inclusions to make these homes more susceptible to homing participants in the NDIS Scheme.


Building for the NDIS Community

  • Accommodation

    Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions to assist with the delivery of supports that cater for their extreme functional impairment and or very high support needs.

  • Residents

    Our SDA Built Homes are built to meet all 4 NDIS’ SDA Categories, providing plenty of options to participants. We also build properties with the option of owner occupied housing disabled family members. All residents can house as NDIS participants

  • SDA Specifications

    All homes are built to the current 2021 SDA Specifications. We build houses with leading-edge technology and ensure the buildings are built to be fully accessibility and improved liveability for participants living in our homes.

SDA Design Categories

  • Improved Liveability.

    This type of housing has been designed to improve ‘liveability’ by incorporating a medium level of physical access and enhanced provision for people with sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment.

  • Fully Accessible.

    This type of housing has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with extreme physical impairment.

  • Robust Design.

    This type of housing has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision and to be very resilient, reducing the likelihood of reactive maintenance and reducing the risk to the participant and the community.

  • High Physical Support.

    This type of housing has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with extreme physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support.